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Jeffery’s Bay is amazing. We arrived here on Saturday night. We left Pretoria at 5:30 am and got here around 7. The ride wasn’t bad though. We actually had some fun. I rode in the ugly brown kombi. I sat next to Allison and JB the whole way. We are staying at a place called UCSA. It is a kind of retreat center thing. We are a block away from the beach. The Indian Ocean is so beautiful. The weather hasn’t been that great yet, the wind is intense and it’s been kind of rainy. But we are all major burnt already. Right now I am sitting at a café called Potters Place. It has free wireless, but it goes in and out a lot. I just had some amazing granola and muesli.

            So far in Jbay… Sunday: We had a church service with the team in the morning. Then had the rest of the day off, I hung out at the beach and walked around the town most of the day. I hung out with Kristin for the day because we only have 2 more weeks together..tear. We had coffee at the Spur by the beach and then had lunch at the sunflower Café. It was an interesting day because there was no power in the whole town. It was crazy. At night we went to a service at a nearby church called “Christ for the Nations” It was great. I thought it was really powerful. The speaker talked about Esther and how she was called to be in a high position “For such a time as this” and how that is true for all of us. We were called to Africa for such a time as this. God has a specific purpose for each of us being here.

“No one was made to do what I am suppose to and can do”


“Be still and know that I am God”


Monday (yesterday): Was a pretty relaxing day as well. After breakfast we walked up the Jbay team’s house. It’s about a mile up the road. We got to hang out and get re-acquainted with them. We had fellowship with them for a while. Then went to ministry with them. I did house visits with Jenny, I met the family of a woman named Marta who was saved last year. She had gotten to know the FYM team last year. It was sweet.


Love, Abby