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Thoughts & Inspiration

I just wanted to thank all of my supporters so far, for all that they are doing for me. I hope that you have all recieved your thank you letters, if you havn’t you should be getting them soon. In the letters I explained about this blog. I would love for you all to sign up to get an Update alert, all that you need to do is give me your e-mail address, by clicking on -Update Alerts- on the left hand side. It will then send you an e-mail whenever I write something new on here. It will be a great way for me to update you all on what is happening in my life. To start off there are a couple of exciting things going on that I would like to tell you all about:

  1. First of all I have raised about  $2,370 so far! After only 2 and a half months of raising that is amazing. Praise the Lord!!! God has blessed me with so many supporters, who I hope are praying for me as well.
  2. Also, I have been searching for a new job for a couple of months now. I currently work at Subway. I was looking for a new job where I got to interact with people more, and that would challenge me. Before I go into the mission field I wanted to do somthing where I was serving people and working in an enviornment that would better reflect the kind of things I will be doing next year. It was a hard search, because most of the things like this are more volunteer based. I would love if I could just do a bunch of volunteer work, but I need to make money. So finally I was introduced to a place called ACR Homes Inc. If you arn’t familiar with the company, it is a place that works in group homes, helping disabled adults. I thought this would be something I would love to do! I went in for an interview yesterday, it was a long process. The interviewing and testing took over 2 hours. But it was well worth it. They offered me the job at the end of my interview!! I was shocked because only 10% of applicants get accepted. So Praise God because I believe this is really what he wants me doing until I leave. I start training sometime next week. So i will have to update you all on how that goes.

~Thank you once again. and I hope you all have a chance to sign up for Alerts I would love to know who is reading these, just ask me if you have any questions I would love to be in contact with everyone!! 

3 responses to “~Updates~”

  1. Isn’t God awesome in the way He provides everything we need? It never ceases to amaze me how involved He is with every detail of our lives.

  2. God rocks my world (and your to I can see)
    I love working with disabled adults what I spend most of my summer doing. The way Christ is reflected in their lives is so wow! Christ has taught me so much, preparing me for the mission field through serving them. At the end of a day I usually realize I’ve totally forgotten about myself and have focused everything on just serving them and God. That is an amazing feeling. I’ll be praying that God uses this in your life for far more than just the money.
    with love