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Sorry I havn’t written anything in a while- I thought I would write an update of whats been happening with me lately. The last few weeks have been stressful and pretty imporatant. So here we go:

Wednesday May 30- was the Baccularete service at my school. I was one of the 6 people on the commitee. It was a pretty emotional night for me. It was the last time Concert Choir sang together. We sang ” Bridge Over Troubled Water” I love that song! We also sang ” The Prayer of St. Francis”- The words were really meaningful to me, it reminded me of what I want to bring to the world while being a missionary:  

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me show love
where there is injury, help me to pardon
where there is doubt let me bring faith
where there is despair let me bring hope
Where there is darkness let me bring light
Where there is sadness let me bring joy
Oh Lord Master Divine.Grant that I not so much seek to be consoled, as to console.To be Understood, as to understand. To be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we recieve and in pardoning that we are pardoned. For in dying, we are born to eterenal life.

Lord make me an instrument of your peace. AMEN

Last Thursday- May 31st …was my last day of high school! It was a pretty crazy day. But it was fun and I am going to have a lot of great memoies of my time there,for the rest of my life. 

This weekend was huge- On Saturday we had an all senior graduation party. There are about 15 seniors graduating from my church. So we had one big party honoring everybody. Then Sunday was my own Grad. Party. It was great, I got to see so many people I havn’t seen forever. Also- it was great, one of my favorite gifts was what my Best Friend NIkita got me. It was so thoughtful, She got me an
” Africa Survival Kit” She put a basket together of stuff like- A hat, sunglasses, sunblock etc. I thought it was so cute!

Anyways- That is just a quick update of the last week-

graduate tomorrow, So I will have to let you all know how that goes!

One response to “Update”

  1. Congratulations! Close one chapter and start another. But God never closes, He is always there.