Things are finally coming together.
Teresa and I have finally worked out our internship.
Are schedule is a little crazy, but it’s going to be all good.
We are going to be doing 5 or 6 abstinence Bible study groups per week.
We will be attending and speaking at scripture union 3 times per week.
And attending morning prayer for an hour each morning.
All at Somnjalose High school, in Ezulwini.
We are also trying to start up another abstinence study at a nearby carepoint with teenage girls there. I will have to let you all know how that works out.
Teresa and I are also planning on joining our friend Denise’s ministry a few afternoons a week. I have gone with her twice so far and I really enjoyed it. Denise does a bible study everyday with a number of women at a nearby market. It is a very large market a couple minutes down the road from our house, we call it the Mile market, because when you walk the whole thing it seems to be a mile long. There are over 50 shops. Denis made friends with a woman named Lucky that has a shop there last year when we were here in Swaziland. So now she goes there everyday and helps her with her shop, and has started a bible study that tons of woman attend. So we are going to help her with that as much as possible.
Today( Tuesday the 12th) I spoke at Somjalose’s scripture union during there lunch period. I spoke on Philippians 2:10-21 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Just encouraging the students to forget about the past and strain towards what is ahead. Run the race of life, for the eternal prize. Not follow the world and get the prize that doesn’t last. After I spoke, a form 5( like a senior I believe) student named Tawe spoke. This boy was an amazing speaker. The Holy spirit was definitely speaking through him. He just had such a passion for God, and knew they truth and word of God so well. He invited everyone there ( about 30 or more students plus us) back for a 4:00 deliverance meeting. He came up to us after and personally invited us to come and see what God was going to do.
Teresa and I ended up going back at 4. We were members 3 and 4 of the meeting. Tawe was speaking and a form 1 student named Delise was in the audience. But it was so encouraging to be apart of that meeting. Tawe didn’t let the small crowd keep him from preaching the word of God, or from singing praises to the Lord. He spoke for over an hour. He spoke of visions and Revelations he has had about the year to come, and about the importance of spreading the love of God. He was quoting scripture left and right. He spoke of deliverance, and the forgivness and power of God.
His words were very powerful to me, he spoke with the authority of Christ. I remember in the beginning of his talking he mentioned the size of the group. He said that satan wants us to get discouraged, he wants us to cancel this meeting because no one showed up. During school he had told people to come, for prayer and deliverance from the curses and such that satan is putting on there school. The fact that no one showed up was more of a reason for the meeting to go on in his eyes. Where two or more are gathered, God is there. And he was definitely there today.
Tawe invited us to morning prayer everyday. He said they pray from 7-8 every morning. I don’t know who exactly goes, but Teresa and I are going to be there.
Delise the other boy from the meeting, he seems like a very sweet boy. He is in form 1, which means he is like a freshman. I am praying that we can be an encouragement to him, and let him know that the Lord loves the time he is spending trying to follow him.
Please pray with us, that each week more and more people will come to these meetings. That the things satan is using to keep these students away from the Lord will be gone in the name of Jesus.
We start our first Abstinence study with a group of girls on Thursday, pray that they will all come every week.
Also my team and I will be leaving Swaziland on Monday, just for the day to renew our visas. We will be spending the day in South Africa. We need prayer for our vehicles, they always seem to break down when we need to go somewhere important.
I hope you all have an amazing day celebrating love.
1 John 3:18-19 Dear children, lets not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God.
It’s awesome that you found an internship.
Abby that is fantastic!
keep up the encouragement to others!!
Sounds like you will be quite busy every day!
Love and Kisses.