So it’s been a while! But I am finally here. and God has been doing amazing things! Our team is now living in Alabanza and have started doing ministry here. THis week I did minisrty in a township called Eskom. i did street and childrens ministry. I got to speak to a woman living there named Girly everyday. The first day we helped her handwash her laundry and then we brought her food, and she taught us how to cook it African style. The children we work with our precious. Please pray for our team and the people we meet. Tonight we are doing a minitsy at our house with teens from around the community we are doing a worship service and having dinner, then we are going to do one on one discipleship with them. Please pray that God works through us tonight. TOmorrow we leave for Swaziland. WE will be there for 7-10 days. Speaking in schools and visiting people in hospitals. God is showing me how to surrender to his will, and how to unify and live in community. I wish I had time to write more. But I would encourage you to go to the blogs of my team members becase everyone is updating and you can learn more about what is happeneing around me. Africa is beautiful, and we live in a pretty nice home. The weather has been cold because winter is ending here, but i am soo excited for the hot spring and summer months.
I just checked my support account, and I still need some support. THank you to all who gave, I am trying to send out some more thank yous here but the mail is so slow that it might be a while before they arrive in the states! so thank you in advance! Please pray that all the support for our team comes in, everyone is being blessed and we thank god everyday!
until I write again. God Bless.
God has really been speaking to me through this vs we have been studying so i wanted to share it with you:
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
I heard from YOU!!!
I love you and I am so glad that you are having a God led time in Africa.
The Journey is Amazing and you will stories to tell forever about your time in Africa.
Hey Sis,
I love you and I am so proud of you for going on this trip!!! It is great to hear you are safe and enjoying it. Remember every moment and take lots of pictures.
Annie, Emma Jo, and Ethan send their love.
I can’t wait to see more pictures…
Hi Abby, I am a friend of your mothers, through our quilting club. I am really enjoying hearing and reading about your ministry in Africa. God bless you in all your travels.
Love, Betty Janey
Abby i am so glad you are safe,every night before dinner we pray for you. i Just got back from homecoming game and the Bengals lost 28-31. they played against Anoka.
love you forever.
Hi Abby,
I am a giggly friend of your mom’s. We do the Shop Hop every May together with my cousin, Char. This is so amazing to hear your words of love for our Savior, the One who is leading you thru this incredible trip. Many blessings to you and your team.