My car wash ended up being cancelled. Sorry I didn’t get it on here sooner. It was in the 50’s and raining all day. I hope nobody showed up! Sorry if you went there and we weren’t. I am going to try to re-schedule sometime in the next week, but with the way the weather has been it might be hard. I don’t think I have seen the sun in the last 3 days. and it hasn’t stopped raining. So I believe God doesn’t want me to have it now for some reason. But we will see, Ill let you know.
Support Update: I now have $ 5,372.72 in my account
I’m entirely jealous that they weather has been less than scorching in your part of the world. All your fund raising plans are pretty inspiration as well, thanks for the reminder to work hard and fast toward preparations for Africa. I’m grateful to see your passionate pursual, it helps build up mine. Thanks again, I look forward to meeting you.