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Regarding my doctors visit yesterday, some of you had questions. First of all. it went really well and I wasn’t even that nervous when I got there. It was actually kind of exciting! It made me realize how close it really is.

Also Melissa asked me to tell you what kind of shots and such I got:

I received 4 shots:

1. Hepatitis A

2. Typhoid

3. Yellow Fever


 He also gave me information on Food and water Safety, Jet Leg, and Travelers Diahrea.

I also got 2 perscriptions: One for Malaria and One for Travelers Diahrea.


2 responses to “Prayers and Answers”

  1. Hey, thanks! I’ve already had 3 of those shots before so now I gotta find out how long they good for. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

  2. Hey Abby – which Malaria prescription did you get? My doctor gave me all sorts of choices, and I didn’t have a clue! haha – let me know! thanks! 🙂