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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Last weekend all the girls from my team, and team Swazi. Took a trip to Alabanza, in South Africa, the place we lived last semester. They invited up back for a weekend prayer retreat. It was nice to go and have sort of a mid-trip debrief. On Sunday after church, I had the opportunity to go to Atteridgville, the township where I did most of my ministry last semester. I went back to the cresh and saw my friend’s Magdalene and Martha. Also my little friend Mongesa, a little girl who goes to that cresh. It was amazing, Magdalene invited me over to her house, and I got a huge surprise. Precious, a woman I met last semester who was in the hospital with her premature baby, is now living with Magdalene. Keep her in your prayers, she is having a lot of problems.

But it was a great weekend, God answered a lot of prayers. We never thought we would get to see some of the people we met last semester again. AND WE DID. J
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My week

On Monday we got home from South Africa.

Tuesday and Thursday,  I spent the day at Somnjalose high school. Our schedule problems are getting better, but still come up from time to time. We were suppose to meet with 4 groups, but ended up meeting with 3. So it worked out pretty well. It has been raining all week, so we had to meet inside for a change. Over the weekend, they had a new classroom added on to the school, they said we can use it whenever we need to. Praise the Lord. Having to sit outside in the grass a lot of times is hard, because the girls don’t want to get their uniforms dirty. So now we can meet inside sometimes J Our ” Cherish” study is going well, we are on the 3rd or 4th lesson with all of the groups. So if all goes as planned we will have more then enough time to finish all 8 lessons before we leave.

On Wednesday and Friday I helped at  the Lobamba cresh. A cresh is kind of another name for a pre-school. Only here in Swaziland the cresh isn’t only for 3-5 year olds. They also take in the other children who are older and can’t pay school fees. The Lobamba cresh has 2 small buildings, one for the really little kids ( about 25 kids) and the other with the older kids ranging from 6-13 ( about 20 kids). I help out with the older kids, helping them do there English lessons, leading games and music, and correcting math stuff. On Friday, a woman from Ireland who I guess had been there before, came and donated $10,000 to put in running water, 3 toilets and a lawn mower. They threw a huge party celebrating the occasion. They were so happy for the help, they haven’t had their own water supply or toilets for a long time. YAY.

The interenet is being really weird. I better go, so this doesn’t get erased.