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Thoughts & Inspiration

So this weekend I went on a college visit to Northwestern College, which is in Saint Paul about 20 minutes away from my house. It was a great experience. I learned a lot. First of all, when I started looking at colleges I never thought that I would like Northwestern, my thoughts were: ” It’s too close to home” and I had this notion that I needed to be different because it seemed like everyone was going there, or something. I didn’t really give it a fair chance. Everyone I would talk to would always say, oh I heard that it’s soo strict or something along those lines. In my head it just was never an option. I applied to all these schools farther away, and that wern’t really for me-they just seemed right at the time.It started to make me really frustrated, because I didn’t know what I wanted. So, starting a couple months ago I started meeting with one of my dad’s friends that is a Life Coach- we would just get together and talk about  my passions and what I really wanted to do with my life. She helped me realize my strengths and made me realize all I had to offer. I think I never use to give myself much credit, it’s kind of like I had this thought in my head that I wasn’t good enough at certain things, or experienced to do what I wanted. Like I needed to wait longer to do what I wanted. But she made me realize that once I graduate, everything is my option( obviously with God’s direction), but that if I wanted anything bad enough it was ALL possible.

For the longest time I wanted to be a music major- I wanted to do something in vocal performance, but during this whole process i realized that wasn’t where God wanted me. I still want to do music, but I am going to do it more for enjoyment, rather than a career. I have come to find instead that God has given me a heart for ministry, and sharing his word. During my meeting with my life coach she had me write out what she called a – CALLING CARD- it was a way of writing what you saw as your purpose in life, you combine what values and things that you are most passionate about and seem most important in your life. I broke my calling down into five- what may seem simple phrases, but really show what I believe my purpose is:

Building relationships

Bringing Joy

Seeing the big picture

Breaking Molds

Performing events

To kind of put them all together: I believe that by building relationships with people and showing Gods love, I can bring joy to other people. If I live like God wants me to and share him with others I can help break the molds and problems people face everyday. I want people to see the big picture, everyday we get so caught up in- THE NOW- and what is effecting us, we worry and dwell on the littlest things that are grains of sand in Gods eyes. We need to realize that God made us for a bigger purpose, and we aren’t just here to have a good time and pass away. He wants us to live like it’s our last day, and spread his word to everyone. Lastly , performing events because music is my passion and I believe God gave me this passion for a purpose, whether it will impact others, or not- I believe it is a big part of my life for some reason or another.

Since this realization that I want to pursue ministry, God has layed Northwestern on my heart. I did a search on college board. com to search Christian colleges with a minisrty major. After narrowing down by cost, denomination and a few other things that I really am looking for in a college only 6 names came onto the screen. It was weird because usually these searches give you hundreds of schools to look through. I was suprised when there were only 6, but even more to my suprise – guess what was #1 on the list: NORTHWESTERN.  It was an eye opener to me, once I researched it more- I realized that out of all 6 of the choices it had the BEST ministry program, with the most variety of choices to specialize in. On top of that it has am amzing choir program. Like I said this weekend I went on an over- night visit there, and realized that I would also fit into the community there. It was very comforting to see, that my thoughts and choices never compare to what God has in store for me. I am working on my application to attend there in 2008, and I believe that it is a definite possibility of where God may want me to go when I get home from Africa.- but of course I never know what God has in mind~

6 responses to “new thoughts on the future~”

  1. Hey Abby! Well…after looking at you bio. I find that we are very similar as well. I love singing and I just started learning the guitar too. So you already know where you want to go for the second component of our trip? I’m not sure yet, I was thinking Jefferey’s Bay. But we’ll see. Can’t wait to meet you!~

  2. Thanks for sharing how God is working in your life. Northwestern is a great college, I know many who have attended and are attending. Good choice!

  3. I’m so proud of you Abby. I admire your desisions GREATLY! I wish you the BEST of luck!

    I love you!


  4. Hey! I’m excited to start to get to know you and I can’t wait for Africa! Isn’t it amazing, when the one thing we say no to and couldn’t believe God would want for us, and then all of a sudden He changes our view and makes us see how it could be great. It’s all good though because our Daddy upstairs knows what He’s doing.

  5. This is so cool, we actually share a pretty similiar story… 🙂 I am praying for you and I cannot wait to meet you!

  6. Dear Abby,

    Thank you for your email and your blogsite. I have one too and I should start using it. I can see from what you have written that you have a real desire to serve Jesus Christ. The lady from AIM told me you will be done in May so I guess that’s when the support ends.

    I am excited about your positon at ACR. I worked for Life by Design and loved it. It is also a company that works with mentally/ physically disabled adults. You will love your work.

    Sue’s Mom passed away on Saturday. The funeral will be March 31st. Just think because of your Mom’s friendship with Sue how the Lord used her to help all of you find Jesus Christ.

    I’ll try to visit your site often for updates. May He bless you as you continue to prepare for South Africa.

