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Sanibonani!  18 days to GO!!
In preparation for the trip my team and I are collecting ministry supplies for a few things we plan on doing over in Swaziland. I have been able to get a few things already, but I thought I would put it out to all of you what we need just in case anyone has anything they would like to contribute- Plus I can tell you a little about what we have planned. 
First off like I told you we are giving new shoes to the orphans at a carepoint, and want to do a feet washing. SO.. we need to bring a lot of : Wash clothes, bar soap and wet wipes.
We are also going to an abandoned baby home, the hospital, and will be loving on a lot of kids! So.. we want to bring: Coloring books and color crayons for the kids to play with
Then. When we work with the Gogo’s at Timbali crafts we want to be able to bless them with a gift. So we are going to make up bags for them with tea and sugar and other little goodies!
Lastly, there are about 10 or so women that I got to know really well on my last trip from the craft market, and a few of them have little babies. Tengetile- who is in my blog photo just had a little girl in September. So I will be seeing her for the first time when I go!! I am trying to put together some gifts for them, like baby clothes and toys etc. Because when I was there before I noticed the babies didn’t have much to play with because their parents were working so hard to provide for their needs and didn’t have extra money for toys. 
If you have anything you would like to contribute or have any questions/comments/ideas etc. let me know~