So on Friday I got done leading my
first trip in Mexico. My team was from Delaware there were 18 students and
adults that came. That was my team but I think there were about 80 people in
all staying at the Gateway. The week was so amazing! I got to go to ministry
with my team everyday at a place called MTI. We spent the day in the colonia
doing different things. The first night my team held a church service that was
planned and lead by them, they went out into the community to invite people and
had a great turnout. They were also able to serve dinner to the people when the
service was done. Monday through Thursday they did 2 different types of
ministry per day.
Prayer walks
Living water- the team went to different parts of the
community like the plaza and hospital and handed out cups of cold water to
people and got to talk and pray with a lot of people.
Ask The Lord
Construction- My team did a lot of cleaning and stuff at the
construction site where a Bible school is being built.
VBS- The team had some great things planned for VBS and were
able to do it for two days. They taught the children the story of Jesus calming
the storm and Jesus feeding the 5,000.
Helping in the medical clinic- Another team brought in a few
doctors and nurses so they were able to set up a medical clinic at a nearby
school. It was health and hygiene week in Mexico, so my team collected hygiene
items at their home church and were able to distribute them to people who came
to the clinic. A lot of the ministry at the clinic was playing with kids while
they were waiting, and talking and praying with people. While at the clinic I
met a woman named Margarita that came by everyday-
House Visits-
At night we had worship services, where I got to help lead
worship one night it was pretty awesome. Various people spoke on topics like
being rich in Gods eyes’ and many people gave testimonies throughout the week
about what God had been showing them and what they had learned. Here are some
videos from the week!