
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I don’t know if you all have read or seen in the news what is happening in Kenya, but it’s not safe for us to go over there. I would encourage you to google the latest kenya news, or to check out other FYM blogs for more info. on whats happening over there at this time.

As for my team and I at this point, we are not going to be able to go over to Kenya on the 14th as planned. At the moment we have 2 options, to stay here in the US or to go as a team and live in Swaziland until ( if ever) it is safe to go to Kenya. Everyone is in prayer about this decision. Please be praying that God will give us direction in this. Please pray that we will be able to follow what God wants us to do even if it’s not what we had planned, or exactly what we wanted.

The main thing AIM is trying to figure out right now is plane tickets and living arrangments. At the moment my team and I have tickets to fly into the Nairobi airport on Jan. 15th. They don’t know if that is even safe so we may have to change and buy all new tickets. For this I may be in need of extra support to make this transition. If you feel led to support me in this please click on the SUPPORT ME! link. There is also a page on if you are interested in supporting Kenya in this tragic time. Thank you for all of your support and prayers already.

Pray for the people of kenya.

God has something amazing planned, we just have to trust, have faith and follow his lead.


2 responses to “Information for my supporters”

  1. ABBY!!! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU TERRIBLY!! i think it would be fun if we got to see you for a few weeks before you went to Kenya. Of course it would be better if it were under different circumstances…but God is in control!! LOVE YA!! Your sis in christ, ~NESSA~

  2. Hey Abby. Just want you to know that I love you and I’m praying for Kenya and the Kenyan team. Keep us posted.