
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So I just wrote a blog and it got erased so here it goes again this is going to be a little rushed. So I am in the kingdom of Swaziland. I am here until Monday.The last few days have been amazing. The mountains are beautiful and the view from our house is incredible.

Ministry here is awesome here. The first 2 days here I worked at a carepoint just playing with kids and helping make purses with the mothers to sell. Then I went to a squatter camp and spent the day with a GOGO( grandma) and her 5 granchildren and just talked and prayed with them. But yesterday was my favorite, which is weird because usually I hate going to hospitals. But yesterday I did hospital visits and I loved it. I went  and talked to all of the mothers and new born babies in the maternity ward. It was great. Then I went and volunteered in the pharmacy, where I helped a man named Sam fill out papers and count pills. He was a great man, he tried teaching me more of the language siSwati and just told me about his life. It was nice that I got to help him with his job because he was having a hard time. He had recently had a stroke and was paralyzed on one side of his body. So please pray for healing.


I have a few more prayer requests:


  1. A girl named Martha on my team is very sick and in the hospital. Please pray that she will be healed.

  2. Also please pray for all of the children of Swazi, so many of the little girls especially are living in very hard time. Please pray that 4 year old girls won’t have to sell there bodies for money and children won’t have to grow up feeling alone and un- wanted.

  3. Also pray for the neighbors of our real life team, the people they live next too were murdered a few nights ago. Pray that the real life team will be able to give that family support.


I have been learning a lot about my identity in Christ and the gifts he has given me. I feel like God made me an open person so talk to for a reason and gave me the gift of service to share with the people here.

I need to stop listening to the lies of the devil that I am not good enough and I am not beautiful. God made me for so much more than that.

God has been revealing to me through his word, who I am in him. Here are some things he has been showing to me, and has encouraged me to really think about:


I am fearfully and wonderfully made

I am anointed and owned by Christ

I am full

The lord is my confidence

John 15:16&17

Child born not of natural descent, nor of human descision, or a husbands will, but born of GOD!!!!!


Sorry this is messy and confusing. The one that was erased was a lot better

In him, Abby