So I told you all that I was going to have a fundraiser garage sale to raise money for Africa.
Today was the first day, and it was VERY successful.
It started at 8 this morning even though people started coming in at 7:30 lol 🙂
It was an extremely nice day PTL! and sooo HOT!
I was amazed at how many people came, it was awesome because so many of the people asked me about what I was going to do. So I got to tell them all about what we were going to be doing while we are there. Some people just gave donations which I really appreciated. I met a few people who have actually been to Africa already so they told me things they knew, and gave me a few pointers.
It’s going on again tomorrow. So lets pray it’s as successful and as nice of a day as today.
My Grand Total for the day was $461.86!!!!!
I am sooo excited to send it in to add to my account. I was really blessed today by all the people who helped support my ministry. I can tell that God was really there through all of it.
well until tomorrow…….