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A day in my life

Some of you have been asking the question: ” What does your day usually look like.” So I decided to try and explain it as best as I could.

For the first month I was here, everyday looked really different. But I am now trying to get into a more regular schedule. So this is a rough feeling to what a day here will look like for me.

Sunday- I get to sleep in, because the church I attend doesn’t start until 11:00. So at 10:50 I leave the house, because Ezulwini Evangelical Church is just down the road from us, so it takes less than 5 minutes to walk. Service runs from 11:00 to around 1:00 or 1:30.
After going home for lunch, we usually do something as a team. The last few weeks we have been going to the Royal Swazi( a really nice hotel with a pool and wireless internet) we go and swim for the afternoon. Then are home for dinner by 6.

Mondays: After waking up and grabbing some granola and yogurt ( it’s one of my staple foods here) Teresa and I take a walk down to the main road to catch public transport to Samnjolose high school. Where Teresa and I have 2 different groups of girls that we meet with on Mondays for our Abstinence study. From 1-2 we attend scripture union.

Tuesdays: Same thing, we have 2 groups of girls with which we do our abstinence study. We also have scripture union, but Tuesday’s Teresa and I are in charge of doing the sermon, and sharing of the Word. After school, the scripture union hold what they call a “Deliverance service” which we also help with.

Wednesdays- Will usually be my off day. Where I can do whatever. I usually go to the internet and hand wash some laundry on this day. And relax, maybe go swimming and go out for coffee. Etc.

Thursday- I meet with one group of girls for the abstinence study. And then spend the rest of the day at the market doing Bible study with the women there.

Friday- I don’t have a for sure schedule for Fridays yet, but my plan is to spend the day helping at a cresh in Lobamba. I went there this past Friday, and the kids are so adorable. And the teacher really needs help, teaching them how to write and keeping them entertained. So I am probably going to do that.

* After ministry- We have to be home by 5 or 6 depending. We wat dinner around 6:30 as a team. Then spend the night, doing ministry prep., playing games, watching movies. Some nights we attend different youth groups. Etc.

Saturday- Is family ministry day. So we spend the morning and afternoon doing some sort of ministry all together. We have gone to the hospital a few times, and today(Sat.) we went to one of the school’s that some of my team works at and organized a bunch of different activities for the kids that hang around the school grounds on weekends. We played football(soccer), netball, racing, b-ball, sang, dancing games etc. it was a lot of fun.
Then at 2:30, I have choir rehearsal at the church until 4:30 or 5.